Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Z ero in on
E mancipation through
N ihilism
Z oom into
E mancipation through
N ice self perception
A ll
T hings in
T ruth, and
I nsights in
T ruth
U nravel when you
D elve in to
E xperience them yourself.
Z ero in on
E mancipation through
N ihilism
Z oom into
E mancipation through
N ice self perception
A ll
T hings in
T ruth, and
I nsights in
T ruth
U nravel when you
D elve in to
E xperience them yourself.
Z estful
E nergetic
A ggressive
L aunch into activity
A ttempt
T o
T ake
I nspirations
T ry
U nleashing
D reams
E nthusiastically
Z estful
E nergetic
A ggressive
L aunch into activity
A ttempt
T o
T ake
I nspirations
T ry
U nleashing
D reams
E nthusiastically
Youth is when
Y ou
O perate
U nrelentingly or unwaveringly and
T irelessly with
H ope
Youth is when
Y ou see
O pportunities
U sefulness
T ruth and
H ope in life.
A ll
T rue
T racks of
I ntegrating generations lie in
T aking along
U plifting
D eveloping and
E ducating the youth
A lways
T alk to,
T ake into confidence,
I nvolve and integrate,
T he youth
U nbiased
D early and
E nthusiastically
A t all
T imes
T he
I nvolvement of
T he youth has
U nleashed
D eep
E xperiences.
Youth is when
Y ou
O perate
U nrelentingly or unwaveringly and
T irelessly with
H ope
Youth is when
Y ou see
O pportunities
U sefulness
T ruth and
H ope in life.
A ll
T rue
T racks of
I ntegrating generations lie in
T aking along
U plifting
D eveloping and
E ducating the youth
A lways
T alk to,
T ake into confidence,
I nvolve and integrate,
T he youth
U nbiased
D early and
E nthusiastically
A t all
T imes
T he
I nvolvement of
T he youth has
U nleashed
D eep
E xperiences.
You yield when
Y our
I ncapacities
E ntangle you and
L ead you to
D eliver what is required of you.
You yield to something when
Y ou want to get
I ntegrated,
E ntrenched,
L inked and
D elve into it.
Y earning with/your
I ntelligent
E fforts
L eads to
D evelopment
A ny
T hought process
T aken in with
I nvolvement and
T horough
U nassailable/unhesitating
D edication
E volves into something great .
A lways
T ry to
T ravel
I nwardly
T o
U nderstand the
D epths of
E nlightenment.
You yield when
Y our
I ncapacities
E ntangle you and
L ead you to
D eliver what is required of you.
You yield to something when
Y ou want to get
I ntegrated,
E ntrenched,
L inked and
D elve into it.
Y earning with/your
I ntelligent
E fforts
L eads to
D evelopment
A ny
T hought process
T aken in with
I nvolvement and
T horough
U nassailable/unhesitating
D edication
E volves into something great .
A lways
T ry to
T ravel
I nwardly
T o
U nderstand the
D epths of
E nlightenment.
Y our
E nded experience
S ailing towards
T oday
E ncouraging you to
R each your unfulfilled
D reams and
A mbitions of
Y esterday
A llow
T oday
T o
I nspire
T omorrow as yesterday
U nited today.
D ays are mere
E numeration tools in existence.
As much as
Today leads to
In as much as
Today extended from yesterday
United the
Days lead to
Emancipation in the continuity called time
Y our
E nded experience
S ailing towards
T oday
E ncouraging you to
R each your unfulfilled
D reams and
A mbitions of
Y esterday
A llow
T oday
T o
I nspire
T omorrow as yesterday
U nited today.
D ays are mere
E numeration tools in existence.
As much as
Today leads to
In as much as
Today extended from yesterday
United the
Days lead to
Emancipation in the continuity called time
Life yearns constantly, for it feels
Y onder is the
E ver
A ttractive
R eal
N ice [things of] life.
Y ou
E xpect,
A spire for and
R each out to
N ew things.
A lways
T ry
T o
I nvestigate in to
T he
U nknown
D reams and
E xpected experiences.
Life yearns constantly, for it feels
Y onder is the
E ver
A ttractive
R eal
N ice [things of] life.
Y ou
E xpect,
A spire for and
R each out to
N ew things.
A lways
T ry
T o
I nvestigate in to
T he
U nknown
D reams and
E xpected experiences.
Y our
E numerated
A ge does not
R eally matter
Y our
E xistence is
A ccording to the levels you
R each
S uccessfully
Every year take resolution to
Y earn for greater things
E nlighten your spirits
A ccommodate more people and perceptions
R eceive reality with open heart.
Year after year increase
Y outhful
E nthusiasm and
A ged
R easoning.
Life is not a calendared event. Do not bother about years tickling by and your age. Remember that
A lways
T ime
T ickles
I rrespective of
T he
U nfinished jobs and
D elayed
E ndeavours.
A ny
T erminology of
T ime is
I rrelevant
T o
U ltimate
D ivine
E volutions of which you are one.
Y our
E numerated
A ge does not
R eally matter
Y our
E xistence is
A ccording to the levels you
R each
S uccessfully
Every year take resolution to
Y earn for greater things
E nlighten your spirits
A ccommodate more people and perceptions
R eceive reality with open heart.
Year after year increase
Y outhful
E nthusiasm and
A ged
R easoning.
Life is not a calendared event. Do not bother about years tickling by and your age. Remember that
A lways
T ime
T ickles
I rrespective of
T he
U nfinished jobs and
D elayed
E ndeavours.
A ny
T erminology of
T ime is
I rrelevant
T o
U ltimate
D ivine
E volutions of which you are one.
Y our
A pproval of
W ide
N egation
You yawn when
Y ou are
A wake
W ith
N on participation
A ll
T hings
T hrust upon us need not be accepted some
I nevitably are
T o be
U nsuspectingly and
D iplomatically
E vaded
Y our
A pproval of
W ide
N egation
You yawn when
Y ou are
A wake
W ith
N on participation
A ll
T hings
T hrust upon us need not be accepted some
I nevitably are
T o be
U nsuspectingly and
D iplomatically
E vaded
W orst
I ncorrigible
C reatures
K indling
E vil
D esigns
A ttempt
T o
T erminate
I rresponsible
T ricks
U nscrupulously
D esigned to spread
E vil.
W orst
I ncorrigible
C reatures
K indling
E vil
D esigns
A ttempt
T o
T erminate
I rresponsible
T ricks
U nscrupulously
D esigned to spread
E vil.
Whim is
W ishes
H aving only
I ndividual
M andate
A lways
T ry to
T olerate
I ndividual whims if
T hey turn out as
U seful for
D evelopment and
E mancipation.
W ishes
H aving only
I ndividual
M andate
A lways
T ry to
T olerate
I ndividual whims if
T hey turn out as
U seful for
D evelopment and
E mancipation.
Welfare is
W hen
E veryone
L ives
F antastically
A iding the
R est too to
E volve in the same way.
But unfortunately Welfare is what is
W idely
E xpected but
L east
F ound
A spect of
R eal life
E verywhere.
A ll
T he
T all talk of
I ndividuals and institutions
T o create welfare has been
U seless, for it has to be
D eveloped and also
E volve from the individual and collectively.
W hen
E veryone
L ives
F antastically
A iding the
R est too to
E volve in the same way.
But unfortunately Welfare is what is
W idely
E xpected but
L east
F ound
A spect of
R eal life
E verywhere.
A ll
T he
T all talk of
I ndividuals and institutions
T o create welfare has been
U seless, for it has to be
D eveloped and also
E volve from the individual and collectively.
W hile
E motions evaporate
E merges there the
P athetic tears.
W eapon of
E very woman to
E motionally blackmail
P eople with timid hearts.
A t
T imes
T rue
I nner feelings
T urn into tears of
U nrestrained
D eep
E motions
A t
T imes
T imid
I ndividuals
T urn to tears to
U pset
D eeply
E veryone
W hile
E motions evaporate
E merges there the
P athetic tears.
W eapon of
E very woman to
E motionally blackmail
P eople with timid hearts.
A t
T imes
T rue
I nner feelings
T urn into tears of
U nrestrained
D eep
E motions
A t
T imes
T imid
I ndividuals
T urn to tears to
U pset
D eeply
E veryone
W orthy
E ngagement
D one to
D emonstrate and
I nitiate into a life of
N icely
G rowing together.
A lbeit socially
T oed,
T ogetherness always
I nvolves
T otal
U nited feeling of
D earness charged with
E motional love
W orthy
E ngagement
D one to
D emonstrate and
I nitiate into a life of
N icely
G rowing together.
A lbeit socially
T oed,
T ogetherness always
I nvolves
T otal
U nited feeling of
D earness charged with
E motional love
W recking
E xterminating
A nnihilating
P iece
O f
N uisance
A void
T he
T errifying
I ncorrigible
T ormenting
U tilities
D eployed to
E nd humankind
W recking
E xterminating
A nnihilating
P iece
O f
N uisance
A void
T he
T errifying
I ncorrigible
T ormenting
U tilities
D eployed to
E nd humankind
W orlds
E arthly
A cquisitions
L oved
T o the
H ilt by all.
W hat
E very
A dult
L iving on earth
T hinks as
H eaven.
W hat
E lse can
A bsorb
L ife’s attention more
T horoughly and
H eavily.
W hat
E veryone
A ims to acquire,
L eads a life for and
T oils throughout to
H ave in plenty.
A ll
T he other
T raits become
I nsignificant
T he moment this
U tility is
D ownloaded
E xcessively.
A void not
T his
T erribly
I mportant and
T ruly
U seful thing
D ear to
E veryone
W orlds
E arthly
A cquisitions
L oved
T o the
H ilt by all.
W hat
E very
A dult
L iving on earth
T hinks as
H eaven.
W hat
E lse can
A bsorb
L ife’s attention more
T horoughly and
H eavily.
W hat
E veryone
A ims to acquire,
L eads a life for and
T oils throughout to
H ave in plenty.
A ll
T he other
T raits become
I nsignificant
T he moment this
U tility is
D ownloaded
E xcessively.
A void not
T his
T erribly
I mportant and
T ruly
U seful thing
D ear to
E veryone
W hen
E very opportunity,
A bility and activity are
K icked away due to
N egligence,
E vasion with
S o what if it is not done attitude and
S urrendering to lethargy
A llow not
T o
T ake
I n whatever is given meekly.
T he
U ndeniable fact is to succeed you
D are to
E ntertain /entreat everything courageously
A ll
T he
T hings
I n
T his
U niverse are
D elivered to the
E nergetic and enthusiastic souls.
W hen
E very opportunity,
A bility and activity are
K icked away due to
N egligence,
E vasion with
S o what if it is not done attitude and
S urrendering to lethargy
A llow not
T o
T ake
I n whatever is given meekly.
T he
U ndeniable fact is to succeed you
D are to
E ntertain /entreat everything courageously
A ll
T he
T hings
I n
T his
U niverse are
D elivered to the
E nergetic and enthusiastic souls.
W orthiest of
A ll
T he
E lements ever
R evealed to humankind.
W hat an
A dorable
T errific
E nergy
R esource it is.
W orld
A t large must
T ake this as an important
E nergy
R esource for many activities.
W onders unfathomed
A bound in
T his
E ver renewable energy
R esource.
A lways
T ry
T o respect the most
I mportant
T hing
U niversally and
D o not
E ndanger its life by polluting it.
T iny drop
T o
I nundating
T errifying gush the
U biquitous
D ear
E lement what a splendor you are.
W orthiest of
A ll
T he
E lements ever
R evealed to humankind.
W hat an
A dorable
T errific
E nergy
R esource it is.
W orld
A t large must
T ake this as an important
E nergy
R esource for many activities.
W onders unfathomed
A bound in
T his
E ver renewable energy
R esource.
A lways
T ry
T o respect the most
I mportant
T hing
U niversally and
D o not
E ndanger its life by polluting it.
T iny drop
T o
I nundating
T errifying gush the
U biquitous
D ear
E lement what a splendor you are.
Waste is
W hen we
A llow any
S ensible
T hought to
E scape our due attention.
Do not waste your life but
A llow
T horoughly
T o be
I nspired by and
T ry to
U nleash what is
D eep within to
E merge and evolve
W hen we
A llow any
S ensible
T hought to
E scape our due attention.
Do not waste your life but
A llow
T horoughly
T o be
I nspired by and
T ry to
U nleash what is
D eep within to
E merge and evolve
Wars happen
W hen
A ll
R eason disappears
and when
W isdom is
A t total
R isk
It is
W asteful
A rmed
R uffianism
W recks
A nd
R uins everything and everyone.
W hat
A n abominable
R eal estate veneration
A void
T houghtless
T errorizing and
I njuring
T aken up with
U seless
D evil’s
E motional justification
A ttempt to
T each about
T he
I rreparable
T houghtless
U seless
D eaths carried with
E state veneration justifications in the name of patriotism
Wars happen
W hen
A ll
R eason disappears
and when
W isdom is
A t total
R isk
It is
W asteful
A rmed
R uffianism
W recks
A nd
R uins everything and everyone.
W hat
A n abominable
R eal estate veneration
A void
T houghtless
T errorizing and
I njuring
T aken up with
U seless
D evil’s
E motional justification
A ttempt to
T each about
T he
I rreparable
T houghtless
U seless
D eaths carried with
E state veneration justifications in the name of patriotism
W e
A ll
N eed
T hings
W hen our
A ttempts are
N ot able to get
T hem
W e get worked up
A nd
N eedlessly
T ake them at any cost
A t
T imes
T he
I nsignificant
T hings
U nsettle the
D ire necessities as
E ssential things.
W e
A ll
N eed
T hings
W hen our
A ttempts are
N ot able to get
T hem
W e get worked up
A nd
N eedlessly
T ake them at any cost
A t
T imes
T he
I nsignificant
T hings
U nsettle the
D ire necessities as
E ssential things.
W ith
A ctive
L egs
K indly move about
I n
N eat
G ait
A dvisable
T o
T ake to walking
I n every day living
T o
U se up excess fat and
D evelop fitness with it as an
E asy exercise
W ith
A ctive
L egs
K indly move about
I n
N eat
G ait
A dvisable
T o
T ake to walking
I n every day living
T o
U se up excess fat and
D evelop fitness with it as an
E asy exercise
W isdom
A llotted to
I ndividuals to test their
T olerance or
I mpatience and the
N eedless
G rins
A t
T imes
T he
I nevitable
T urn of
U nnecessary
D elay is the only
E xpected outcome.
W isdom
A llotted to
I ndividuals to test their
T olerance or
I mpatience and the
N eedless
G rins
A t
T imes
T he
I nevitable
T urn of
U nnecessary
D elay is the only
E xpected outcome.
W hat you know
A ccounts for naught, so
G ive something out of what you know and
E arn
S omething in return.
W hatever you do
A lways ensure to
G et your
E arning
S ecured
A ny
T oil done with
T otal intensity and
I ntense totality
T ruly and
U ndisputedly
D eserves good
E arning.
W hat you know
A ccounts for naught, so
G ive something out of what you know and
E arn
S omething in return.
W hatever you do
A lways ensure to
G et your
E arning
S ecured
A ny
T oil done with
T otal intensity and
I ntense totality
T ruly and
U ndisputedly
D eserves good
E arning.
W ise way to
R eveal passions,
I nspiring ideas,
T houghts,
Imaginations, humour,
N ice perceptions and
G reat philosophies
A lways the
T ruth is that great many
T ruths are
I n fact
T ruly
U nlocked when we
D elve into
E xpressive modes.
S imple, superb and
M ost
I nteresting
L anguage that
E ndears everyone.
S oul’s
M eaningful
I mportant
L anguage
E asily understandable
S ensible and
M ainly
I ntrinsically
L ovable and
E ffective communication tool.
A llow and admire
T reat and taste
T rain and try to
I nculcate
T hose
U niversally
D esirable positive
E motional manifestations.
All people smile in the same language.
Laughter is God's sunshine
Take time to laugh, for it is the music of the soul .
S imple, superb and
M ost
I nteresting
L anguage that
E ndears everyone.
S oul’s
M eaningful
I mportant
L anguage
E asily understandable
S ensible and
M ainly
I ntrinsically
L ovable and
E ffective communication tool.
A llow and admire
T reat and taste
T rain and try to
I nculcate
T hose
U niversally
D esirable positive
E motional manifestations.
All people smile in the same language.
Laughter is God's sunshine
Take time to laugh, for it is the music of the soul .
S anest
I ntelligent
M eaningful
P rocess of
L ife which
I n practice
C onsciously never
I nconveniences nor
T roubles others nor tires
Y our own self
A dmire
T hose
T ypical
I ndividuals leading
T rouble free
U ncomplicated life without
D alliance in any
E ntanglement.
S anest
I ntelligent
M eaningful
P rocess of
L ife which
I n practice
C onsciously never
I nconveniences nor
T roubles others nor tires
Y our own self
A dmire
T hose
T ypical
I ndividuals leading
T rouble free
U ncomplicated life without
D alliance in any
E ntanglement.
R eciprocating
E motional
L ove
A dmiration and
T olerantly
I nteract with
O ne another
N eatly and
S ensibly to
H elp each
I ndividual’s
P rogress
The world of Relationship will be always cool as long as it is sand-witched between the poles of sincere, serious, spontaneous, unqualified sharing with love and consistent, careful and unconditional caring with love.
R eal
E nlightened
L ove
A llowing
T ogetherness
I nspiring
O ur
N exus to
S trengthen
H ealthily and
I n
P erfect
S haring.
R eveal
E motions of
L ateral
A djustments
T olerance
I nnately
O ffering
N ice,
S incere and
H umble
I nteractions
P enetrating the
S oul
Relationship is too sacred to be confined to the arc of mating radar and lust lorry.
SECRET OF HAPPY RELATIONSHIP LIES in keeping liveliness and calmness in the mind ,love and compassion in the heart, kindness in words and thoughts, sense of humor in your interactions, adjustment in your approaches, generosity in your dealings, responsibility in yourself and not expecting anything from others.
R eciprocating
E motional
L ove
A dmiration and
T olerantly
I nteract with
O ne another
N eatly and
S ensibly to
H elp each
I ndividual’s
P rogress
The world of Relationship will be always cool as long as it is sand-witched between the poles of sincere, serious, spontaneous, unqualified sharing with love and consistent, careful and unconditional caring with love.
R eal
E nlightened
L ove
A llowing
T ogetherness
I nspiring
O ur
N exus to
S trengthen
H ealthily and
I n
P erfect
S haring.
R eveal
E motions of
L ateral
A djustments
T olerance
I nnately
O ffering
N ice,
S incere and
H umble
I nteractions
P enetrating the
S oul
Relationship is too sacred to be confined to the arc of mating radar and lust lorry.
SECRET OF HAPPY RELATIONSHIP LIES in keeping liveliness and calmness in the mind ,love and compassion in the heart, kindness in words and thoughts, sense of humor in your interactions, adjustment in your approaches, generosity in your dealings, responsibility in yourself and not expecting anything from others.
L ife’s
I mportant auditory
S ense
T hat
E nables
N ecessary learning
A ttentively
T une with
T otal
I ntensity
T o
U nderstand
D uly
E verything with the ears
L ife’s
I mportant auditory
S ense
T hat
E nables
N ecessary learning
A ttentively
T une with
T otal
I ntensity
T o
U nderstand
D uly
E verything with the ears
L ies in the name of
E galitarianism
F anatically and
T erribly propagated
A ny
T heoretically
T omtooed
I sm
T errorizing to
U proot cultural variety
D ies of its own
E ndless follies.
L ies in the name of
E galitarianism
F anatically and
T erribly propagated
A ny
T heoretically
T omtooed
I sm
T errorizing to
U proot cultural variety
D ies of its own
E ndless follies.
L oveliest
E ducation is
A ttentive
R eceptive
N ecessary observation
A t all
T imes
T he
I nevitable
T ruth is
U ndisputedly
D eveloping skills and
E ver learning
L oveliest
E ducation is
A ttentive
R eceptive
N ecessary observation
A t all
T imes
T he
I nevitable
T ruth is
U ndisputedly
D eveloping skills and
E ver learning
I nfusing the
N ecessary
S trength and
P ower to
I nitiate
R eal
A nd
T ruly
I mportant
O perations to
N icely take place.
A ll
T hings become possible,
T houghts become
I ntelligible, all
T aking off to
U nimaginable heights of achievement
D riven by the ever bubbling
E nlightened inspiration.
I nfusing the
N ecessary
S trength and
P ower to
I nitiate
R eal
A nd
T ruly
I mportant
O perations to
N icely take place.
A ll
T hings become possible,
T houghts become
I ntelligible, all
T aking off to
U nimaginable heights of achievement
D riven by the ever bubbling
E nlightened inspiration.
I nevitably everything happens as per
N atural course of things but
S ometimes
E ase less
C ircumstances and
U ncertainties
R elease fear and
I nternally
T errify
Y ou
A cquire
T otal
T olerance to deal with
I nsecurity with
T rue courage not to buckle
U nder pressure and avoid
D estroying
E nthusiasm
I nevitably everything happens as per
N atural course of things but
S ometimes
E ase less
C ircumstances and
U ncertainties
R elease fear and
I nternally
T errify
Y ou
A cquire
T otal
T olerance to deal with
I nsecurity with
T rue courage not to buckle
U nder pressure and avoid
D estroying
E nthusiasm
I nevitable
N atural
S equence and
A lways
N onsensical
I n
T erms of
Y acking.
A bhor
T he thoughts
T alks in
I nsipidity, for,
T hey
U ltimately
D estroy
E verything in you.
I nevitable
N atural
S equence and
A lways
N onsensical
I n
T erms of
Y acking.
A bhor
T he thoughts
T alks in
I nsipidity, for,
T hey
U ltimately
D estroy
E verything in you.
I nnate
N ice
N atural
O peration of
C arefree,
E volutionarily
N ascent
C onsciousness in
E veryone
A dore and admire
T hose
T iny tots with
I nnocence
T hrough whom the
U ntutored and unpolluted
D ivine
E xuberance in expressed
I nnate
N ice
N atural
O peration of
C arefree,
E volutionarily
N ascent
C onsciousness in
E veryone
A dore and admire
T hose
T iny tots with
I nnocence
T hrough whom the
U ntutored and unpolluted
D ivine
E xuberance in expressed
I nitially
N ice to
F uel the
A drenal
T emptations but
U nless gradually
A llowed to
T erminate
I t intoxicates and
O perates to
N ullify the niceties of love
A llow all
T emptations and
T aste them but
I n due course
T urn around to
U nderstand and
D evelop the enlightenment to enjoy only the
E ssence and extricate from the superficial temptation.
I nitially
N ice to
F uel the
A drenal
T emptations but
U nless gradually
A llowed to
T erminate
I t intoxicates and
O perates to
N ullify the niceties of love
A llow all
T emptations and
T aste them but
I n due course
T urn around to
U nderstand and
D evelop the enlightenment to enjoy only the
E ssence and extricate from the superficial temptation.
I mportance is first
N egated, then
D enied and
I nvolvement slowly
F ades, and
F aggots up
E verything
R elating to
E rstwhile
N etwork or nice relationship to
C ancel them and
E nd everything once for all
A dvising certain persons
T eaches them but little
T aking revenge changes them but little
I ndifference instead
T urns them around,
U shers in
D eep realization in them and
E ngages them into introspection.
A nswer certain people not
T hrough talking
T rying to make sense,
I nstead, with indifference
T ry to make them
U nderstand that
D eeper hurts happen not through
E xchanging or engaging in counter attacks.
I mportance is first
N egated, then
D enied and
I nvolvement slowly
F ades, and
F aggots up
E verything
R elating to
E rstwhile
N etwork or nice relationship to
C ancel them and
E nd everything once for all
A dvising certain persons
T eaches them but little
T aking revenge changes them but little
I ndifference instead
T urns them around,
U shers in
D eep realization in them and
E ngages them into introspection.
A nswer certain people not
T hrough talking
T rying to make sense,
I nstead, with indifference
T ry to make them
U nderstand that
D eeper hurts happen not through
E xchanging or engaging in counter attacks.
I ll equipped individuals and
M al functioning machines
P roduce
O ften
S apless things and engage in
S enseless,
I gnorant,
B aseless,
I diotic,
L azy and
I nactive
T alk taking
Y ou away from performing.
A void
T he thought
T alk of impossibility, it is an
I nebriated insect
T o be
U surped and put to
D eath to
E mancipate.
I ll equipped individuals and
M al functioning machines
P roduce
O ften
S apless things and engage in
S enseless,
I gnorant,
B aseless,
I diotic,
L azy and
I nactive
T alk taking
Y ou away from performing.
A void
T he thought
T alk of impossibility, it is an
I nebriated insect
T o be
U surped and put to
D eath to
E mancipate.
I ntrinsically more than ideally
M ost
P erfect
O bject is
R eally and
T ruly the
A spect that is to be
N urtured as the
C ore of
E volutionary importance.
A pprehend
T he
T rue
I ntrinsic value and thereby the importance of
T hings and persons
U nderlying
D epths of
E verything and everyone.
I ntrinsically more than ideally
M ost
P erfect
O bject is
R eally and
T ruly the
A spect that is to be
N urtured as the
C ore of
E volutionary importance.
A pprehend
T he
T rue
I ntrinsic value and thereby the importance of
T hings and persons
U nderlying
D epths of
E verything and everyone.
I t is as
M uch
I mportant to learning and
T o development
A s all
T ools of perception and creativity
I nitially. For, at any moment
O riginality as a
N atural instinct may creeps in.
A ll
T hings
T aken
I nto consideration our
T hinking and actions,
U nless we are born genius,
D efinitely develop though observing
E veryone around and imitating initially.
I t is as
M uch
I mportant to learning and
T o development
A s all
T ools of perception and creativity
I nitially. For, at any moment
O riginality as a
N atural instinct may creeps in.
A ll
T hings
T aken
I nto consideration our
T hinking and actions,
U nless we are born genius,
D efinitely develop though observing
E veryone around and imitating initially.
I n order for
M ankind to
A ttain certain levels of perception,
G ain insights into certain things,
I ntelligently approach certain things,
N ewly perceive certain things,
A nalyze beyond accepted
T hought patterns it needs to
I nspire and get inspired by a vision that
O perate free of any preconditioning and nicely depict
N uances of life unknown to normal intellect.
A t many a
T imes
T houghts,
I ntellect,
T edious study,
U ntiring efforts,
D exterous dealing and
E verything may fail and only imagination will work.
I n order for
M ankind to
A ttain certain levels of perception,
G ain insights into certain things,
I ntelligently approach certain things,
N ewly perceive certain things,
A nalyze beyond accepted
T hought patterns it needs to
I nspire and get inspired by a vision that
O perate free of any preconditioning and nicely depict
N uances of life unknown to normal intellect.
A t many a
T imes
T houghts,
I ntellect,
T edious study,
U ntiring efforts,
D exterous dealing and
E verything may fail and only imagination will work.
I mage that is
L ifeless, but
L ingering in
S enses, and present
I n tact,
O ptically, and in reality
N ot what it is perceived optically.
A t
T imes certain
T ypes of
I mages
T urn out to be
U nreal
D efying our
E ye sight.
I mage that is
L ifeless, but
L ingering in
S enses, and present
I n tact,
O ptically, and in reality
N ot what it is perceived optically.
A t
T imes certain
T ypes of
I mages
T urn out to be
U nreal
D efying our
E ye sight.
I mportant it is not to
G ive importance to
N onsensical and nuisance causing
O perations and also
R efuse to be part of
E nfeebling futile activity.
A lways
T ry
T o
I gnore
T rivial
U seless
D ull
E nfeebling thoughts and activities.
I mportant it is not to
G ive importance to
N onsensical and nuisance causing
O perations and also
R efuse to be part of
E nfeebling futile activity.
A lways
T ry
T o
I gnore
T rivial
U seless
D ull
E nfeebling thoughts and activities.
I ncorrigible and
G ain less,
N othing
O perates
R ightly
A nd
N othing
C lear
E merges
A bandon
T he operations with
T houghtless
I gnorant
T rivial and
U neducated people and
D eal only with
E nthusiastic, energetic and intelligent people.
I ncorrigible and
G ain less,
N othing
O perates
R ightly
A nd
N othing
C lear
E merges
A bandon
T he operations with
T houghtless
I gnorant
T rivial and
U neducated people and
D eal only with
E nthusiastic, energetic and intelligent people.
I ncorrigible
D ullness and
L aziness
E nsure
N othing
E xcept
S tupidity and
S piritless life.
A void
T hose
T hings which make you idle and
I n which
T hy active participation is not
U sed.
D o always things which make you
E nergetic and enthusiastic.
I ncorrigible
D ullness and
L aziness
E nsure
N othing
E xcept
S tupidity and
S piritless life.
A void
T hose
T hings which make you idle and
I n which
T hy active participation is not
U sed.
D o always things which make you
E nergetic and enthusiastic.
Idiot is an
I gnorant who
D oes things
I mproperly and
O bviously
T houghtlessly
A priori doing
T houghtless
T rivial
I nsignificant
T hings
U nravels the
D ull-wittedness
E mbedded in the activities
I gnorant who
D oes things
I mproperly and
O bviously
T houghtlessly
A priori doing
T houghtless
T rivial
I nsignificant
T hings
U nravels the
D ull-wittedness
E mbedded in the activities
I mportant it is to
D evelop as a specific entity to
E volve with more enthusiasm but must
N ot get nailed
T o a specific
I dentity. So, whether
T here is growth or grounding depends on how
Y ou deal with your identity.
A lways attempt
T o
T ake on
I nner identity as
T he
U nique tool to
D eal with your
E nvironment.
I mportant it is to
D evelop as a specific entity to
E volve with more enthusiasm but must
N ot get nailed
T o a specific
I dentity. So, whether
T here is growth or grounding depends on how
Y ou deal with your identity.
A lways attempt
T o
T ake on
I nner identity as
T he
U nique tool to
D eal with your
E nvironment.
I mportant tools to
D evelop
E nthusiasm
A nd
L asting interest and involvement to
S ucceed.
A ll meaningful
T houghts must be
T urned into lofty
I deals
T o inspire and
U sher in
D eep commitment and
E nthusiasm and energy to execute successfully
I mportant tools to
D evelop
E nthusiasm
A nd
L asting interest and involvement to
S ucceed.
A ll meaningful
T houghts must be
T urned into lofty
I deals
T o inspire and
U sher in
D eep commitment and
E nthusiasm and energy to execute successfully
I mportant
D evelopment
E merging to effect
A ctivity.
A lways
T ry to
T urn thoughts into clear
I deas, ideas into organized
T heories, theories into
U seful practices, practices into
D elivering results of
E xcellence and excellent experiences.
I mportant
D evelopment
E merging to effect
A ctivity.
A lways
T ry to
T urn thoughts into clear
I deas, ideas into organized
T heories, theories into
U seful practices, practices into
D elivering results of
E xcellence and excellent experiences.
H iding
Y our
P ersonality and
O perating to
C onform to
R equirements of others
I nsults your
S oul and spirit, and leaves
Y ou with an uneasy consciousness.
A ll of us have
T hose
T iny bits of
I nevitable secrets
T o hide or not necessarily reveal, but
U nwarranted hypocrisy and
D iplomacy are to be
E jected out of our behavioral curve.
H iding
Y our
P ersonality and
O perating to
C onform to
R equirements of others
I nsults your
S oul and spirit, and leaves
Y ou with an uneasy consciousness.
A ll of us have
T hose
T iny bits of
I nevitable secrets
T o hide or not necessarily reveal, but
U nwarranted hypocrisy and
D iplomacy are to be
E jected out of our behavioral curve.
H ealth is
Y our
G reatest and most
I mportant
E lement in life and it
N eeds neat
E nvironment more than anything else.
A ssure
T hat
T here exists
I n principle
T angibly, if not
U ltra clean, at least,
D irt free
E nvironment.
H ealth is
Y our
G reatest and most
I mportant
E lement in life and it
N eeds neat
E nvironment more than anything else.
A ssure
T hat
T here exists
I n principle
T angibly, if not
U ltra clean, at least,
D irt free
E nvironment.
H orrible
U nbearable
N asty feeling to be
G ustily and
E mpathetically
R emoved out of earth
A lleviate in
T ime those
T hings that are
I ncorrigibly
T orturing the body and mind.
U seless is any
D elayed
E nthusiasm to help
H orrible
U nbearable
N asty feeling to be
G ustily and
E mpathetically
R emoved out of earth
A lleviate in
T ime those
T hings that are
I ncorrigibly
T orturing the body and mind.
U seless is any
D elayed
E nthusiasm to help
H uman beings
U nleash
M ore
O f their creativity through
R ecreations like humor.
A llow
T ime and again
T o manifest those
I mmanent and interesting
T racks of humor which gives
U nlimited
D elights and
E njoyment.
H uman beings
U nleash
M ore
O f their creativity through
R ecreations like humor.
A llow
T ime and again
T o manifest those
I mmanent and interesting
T racks of humor which gives
U nlimited
D elights and
E njoyment.
H ighly
U seful and
M ost
I mportant and
L ovable
I nstinct
T hat
Y ou can possibly have.
A ll
T rue wisdom
T akes off
I n the smooth
T errain of
U nassuming humility and
D eep rooted
E mpathy
H ighly
U seful and
M ost
I mportant and
L ovable
I nstinct
T hat
Y ou can possibly have.
A ll
T rue wisdom
T akes off
I n the smooth
T errain of
U nassuming humility and
D eep rooted
E mpathy
H ighest and best among all
U niversal
M anifestations of divine energy;
A head of all species in
N ature;
I ncomparable is
T hy value which unfortunately,
Y ou are yet to know.
A dmire all
T hose life forms around you
T reat everyone nicely, for
I nner self of all are
T ied together with the
U niversal
D ivine
E nergy with different levels of manifestation.
H ighest and best among all
U niversal
M anifestations of divine energy;
A head of all species in
N ature;
I ncomparable is
T hy value which unfortunately,
Y ou are yet to know.
A dmire all
T hose life forms around you
T reat everyone nicely, for
I nner self of all are
T ied together with the
U niversal
D ivine
E nergy with different levels of manifestation.
H eart felt
O ffering of
S ervice so
P ampering as to
I nvite
T hem to
A dore and accept our
L ove
I mbued with
T ender and
Y ummy treatment of them
A priori
T ender
T reatment
I nvites
T rue engagement of
U nhesitating
D earness and
E motional endearment.
H eart felt
O ffering of
S ervice so
P ampering as to
I nvite
T hem to
A dore and accept our
L ove
I mbued with
T ender and
Y ummy treatment of them
A priori
T ender
T reatment
I nvites
T rue engagement of
U nhesitating
D earness and
E motional endearment.
H arbinger
O f
P erpetual
E ncouragement and expectation.
A ll of us are always
T aking life more seriously in
T he hope that
I nvariably
T here exists still
U nexposed the
D esired and dreamed
E pisodes of pleasant surprises.
A speck of hope
T o life is a great spark
T ruly
I gniting
T houghts of
U nlimited expectations,
D reams and endless encouragement and
E nthusiasm hoping for the best.
H arbinger
O f
P erpetual
E ncouragement and expectation.
A ll of us are always
T aking life more seriously in
T he hope that
I nvariably
T here exists still
U nexposed the
D esired and dreamed
E pisodes of pleasant surprises.
A speck of hope
T o life is a great spark
T ruly
I gniting
T houghts of
U nlimited expectations,
D reams and endless encouragement and
E nthusiasm hoping for the best.
H igh and hard to get but
O bviously
N ice
O pulence to
R etain
A lways
T ry
T o be
I n the company of honorable people but
T o do that
U ndoubtedly you must be first
D ignified and deserve honor, then, only then
E verything else ensues automatically
H igh and hard to get but
O bviously
N ice
O pulence to
R etain
A lways
T ry
T o be
I n the company of honorable people but
T o do that
U ndoubtedly you must be first
D ignified and deserve honor, then, only then
E verything else ensues automatically
H eart felt
O peration of
N icety towards everyone and
E ver plesant and
S traightforward
T reatment of everything and never
Y awing from the right path.
A ny individual who
T oes
T rue
I ntegrity spreads his/her
T entacles to everyone around and
U ndoubtedly manages to manifest the reciprocal
D esirable
E xhibition of honesty.
H eart felt
O peration of
N icety towards everyone and
E ver plesant and
S traightforward
T reatment of everything and never
Y awing from the right path.
A ny individual who
T oes
T rue
I ntegrity spreads his/her
T entacles to everyone around and
U ndoubtedly manages to manifest the reciprocal
D esirable
E xhibition of honesty.
H aving love and
O ffering with
L ove
I n heart,
N ice nuggets of
E nlightenment and
S ensible
S piritual truths.
And not
H arping
O n
L ifeless
I rrelevant facts
N onchalantly and
E xhibiting
S ermons and
S ocial mores
A ll of us know
T he good habits in
T erms of reference but
I nculcating
T hem as an
U seful part of our
D aily life is to be
E nsured through practice.
H aving love and
O ffering with
L ove
I n heart,
N ice nuggets of
E nlightenment and
S ensible
S piritual truths.
And not
H arping
O n
L ifeless
I rrelevant facts
N onchalantly and
E xhibiting
S ermons and
S ocial mores
A ll of us know
T he good habits in
T erms of reference but
I nculcating
T hem as an
U seful part of our
D aily life is to be
E nsured through practice.
H yped or hidden or highly exaggerated or wrongly
I nterpreted and indited as
S ource of or
T ales of past happenings, events, scandals etc
O ffered as
R ecord to rectify, retaliate, revenge or repeat
Y ou have to filter the facts and make the choice.
A ll
T he records of
T he past, even those that are distorted, are
I ntended
T o be
U sed as
D efinite resources to
E ducate ourselves from past experiences.
H yped or hidden or highly exaggerated or wrongly
I nterpreted and indited as
S ource of or
T ales of past happenings, events, scandals etc
O ffered as
R ecord to rectify, retaliate, revenge or repeat
Y ou have to filter the facts and make the choice.
A ll
T he records of
T he past, even those that are distorted, are
I ntended
T o be
U sed as
D efinite resources to
E ducate ourselves from past experiences.
H all mark of
E nfeebled
S apless
I ndividuals is
T he tendency to
A void
T aking
I nitiative to
O perate and coward enough
N ot to say no.
A lways
T ry to do or
T ake a decision not to do.
I nstead, do not be
T entative and wavering,
U nsure of what to
D o or
E xecute, indecision is more harmful than failure.
H all mark of
E nfeebled
S apless
I ndividuals is
T he tendency to
A void
T aking
I nitiative to
O perate and coward enough
N ot to say no.
A lways
T ry to do or
T ake a decision not to do.
I nstead, do not be
T entative and wavering,
U nsure of what to
D o or
E xecute, indecision is more harmful than failure.
H eart to heart
E xchange of passionate
R eal feelings, in short
O ffering from
I nner self with conviction to the
S ociety
M eaningfully
A dmire
T he whole world with everything in it
T hrough whole hearted feelings;
I nspire and love everyone with
T houghts and feelings
U seful and unifying in spirit; then, there
D evelops in you the
E ssential elements of heroism
H eart to heart
E xchange of passionate
R eal feelings, in short
O ffering from
I nner self with conviction to the
S ociety
M eaningfully
A dmire
T he whole world with everything in it
T hrough whole hearted feelings;
I nspire and love everyone with
T houghts and feelings
U seful and unifying in spirit; then, there
D evelops in you the
E ssential elements of heroism
H eap of
E vitable
L ow mentality and
L ewd thoughts
A lways
T ry
T o
I nject
T ough measures and
U proot
D estructive and
E vil things.
H eap of
E vitable
L ow mentality and
L ewd thoughts
A lways
T ry
T o
I nject
T ough measures and
U proot
D estructive and
E vil things.
Heaven is
H aving habits of
E mpathy,
A djusting mentality
V aluing virtuous deeds,
E ngage in essential endeavors and
N iceties with no negativity
A djust
T o twists and turns of times,
T ake things easily as they come,
I nspire others and
T ry to
U nite with the
D ivine
E nergy
H aving habits of
E mpathy,
A djusting mentality
V aluing virtuous deeds,
E ngage in essential endeavors and
N iceties with no negativity
A djust
T o twists and turns of times,
T ake things easily as they come,
I nspire others and
T ry to
U nite with the
D ivine
E nergy
H ighest interactions and
E xchanges of emotions
A ll
R eally
T ake place in the heart.
A llow your heart to
T alk,
T ransact,
I nteract,
T reat,
U nderstand and
Develop relationships and
Experience everything.
H ighest interactions and
E xchanges of emotions
A ll
R eally
T ake place in the heart.
A llow your heart to
T alk,
T ransact,
I nteract,
T reat,
U nderstand and
Develop relationships and
Experience everything.
H ave to
E ssentially pay
A ttention to,
L ook after and
T ake care to
H ave a good and problem free body
A ttending
T o
T he
I nner as well as outer parts of
T he body and
U sefully taking care of them with
D eep concern is of importance to
E veryone everywhere
H ave to
E ssentially pay
A ttention to,
L ook after and
T ake care to
H ave a good and problem free body
A ttending
T o
T he
I nner as well as outer parts of
T he body and
U sefully taking care of them with
D eep concern is of importance to
E veryone everywhere
H inge of
A ntagonism
T urning
R evenge to
E nter the
D irty doors of dislike.
A void animosity
T urn away
T houghts of
I ntimidation and
T ry to
U sher in
D ear
E motions
H inge of
A ntagonism
T urning
R evenge to
E nter the
D irty doors of dislike.
A void animosity
T urn away
T houghts of
I ntimidation and
T ry to
U sher in
D ear
E motions
H urrying to
A void
S lowing down, sometimes
T roubles
E verything and everyone.
A llow
T ime bound
T argets.
I n fact
T ake tasks
U sually at normal pace and
D o not dispel
E nergies in haste.
H urrying to
A void
S lowing down, sometimes
T roubles
E verything and everyone.
A llow
T ime bound
T argets.
I n fact
T ake tasks
U sually at normal pace and
D o not dispel
E nergies in haste.
H eart and head
A ccommodating and
R eciprocally balancing the
M anifestation
O f the
N atural you and nurtured
Y ou with the outer world
A ccepting and adjusting
T o the
T hings happening outside with
I nner self
T otally
U nites and
D evelops into a
E ndearing harmony of being.
A ccommodating and
R eciprocally balancing the
M anifestation
O f the
N atural you and nurtured
Y ou with the outer world
A ccepting and adjusting
T o the
T hings happening outside with
I nner self
T otally
U nites and
D evelops into a
E ndearing harmony of being.
H arboring
A nimosity
R ears
M alignity
A void animosity,
T ry
T o take everyone
I nstead into
T hy fold and
U ndo all
D estructive
E ndeavors
H arboring
A nimosity
R ears
M alignity
A void animosity,
T ry
T o take everyone
I nstead into
T hy fold and
U ndo all
D estructive
E ndeavors
H eartfelt harmony
A ll around with everyone and
P eace within oneself
P roduce
I n the inner self
N ice
E njoyment and
S ense of
S uperb feeling.
A llow all
T houghts that
T rigger
I nterest, imagination and inspire
T o
U nleash and
D eliver
E njoyment
H eartfelt harmony
A ll around with everyone and
P eace within oneself
P roduce
I n the inner self
N ice
E njoyment and
S ense of
S uperb feeling.
A llow all
T houghts that
T rigger
I nterest, imagination and inspire
T o
U nleash and
D eliver
E njoyment
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
H alf of
A ll your
B eing
I s
T hrough
S crupulously pursued practice.
A dmit
T hose traits and
T endencies that
I nspire positive
T houghts and developments but
U proot those that
D estroy your
E mancipation into a better person.
H alf of
A ll your
B eing
I s
T hrough
S crupulously pursued practice.
A dmit
T hose traits and
T endencies that
I nspire positive
T houghts and developments but
U proot those that
D estroy your
E mancipation into a better person.
G rueling and
U psetting constant
I rritation
L ingering
T o trouble the consciousness.
A t all times anyone may escape punishment but
T roubles are always
T riggered to
I nner consciousness by
T hose
U nscrupulous
D eeds
E verywhere every now and then.
G rueling and
U psetting constant
I rritation
L ingering
T o trouble the consciousness.
A t all times anyone may escape punishment but
T roubles are always
T riggered to
I nner consciousness by
T hose
U nscrupulous
D eeds
E verywhere every now and then.
G reat
U seful
I ndirect way of leading others and
D irecting them without
A dvice or
N agging but
C aring
E ncouragement to make them do what is best.
A lways let others
T ravel
T heir
I ndividual and independent way by
T actfully,
U sefully, but
D iscreetly directing them and
E ncouraging them to take the best routes.
G reat
U seful
I ndirect way of leading others and
D irecting them without
A dvice or
N agging but
C aring
E ncouragement to make them do what is best.
A lways let others
T ravel
T heir
I ndividual and independent way by
T actfully,
U sefully, but
D iscreetly directing them and
E ncouraging them to take the best routes.
G reat
U nspecified
E ntrants into your territory and
S urely and royally
T esting you
A lways
T ry to
T reat every
I ndividual guest as
T hough he is the most
U seful person and it is your
D uty to
E ntertain him/her well.
G reat
U nspecified
E ntrants into your territory and
S urely and royally
T esting you
A lways
T ry to
T reat every
I ndividual guest as
T hough he is the most
U seful person and it is your
D uty to
E ntertain him/her well.
G iving beyond your talents,
R eaching beyond your skills,
O perating beyond others’ expectations and
W orking beyond your mastery, all
T hese truly take you to greater
H eights
A lways try to
T oil beyond your talents,
T ake on anything with sincerity,
I nspire with your
T rue skills and mastery,
U nleash through all out efforts, then,
D evelopment and growth will
E nsue automatically and very effectively.
G iving beyond your talents,
R eaching beyond your skills,
O perating beyond others’ expectations and
W orking beyond your mastery, all
T hese truly take you to greater
H eights
A lways try to
T oil beyond your talents,
T ake on anything with sincerity,
I nspire with your
T rue skills and mastery,
U nleash through all out efforts, then,
D evelopment and growth will
E nsue automatically and very effectively.
G igantic
R equirements and
E verlasting needs
E ver present and never
D windling in quantities.
A ll of us must
T ake care,
T hat in the long run
I nfinitely trying to
T ake away and use up everything is
U nrealistic and
D rastically
E ndangering to everyone and everything
G igantic
R equirements and
E verlasting needs
E ver present and never
D windling in quantities.
A ll of us must
T ake care,
T hat in the long run
I nfinitely trying to
T ake away and use up everything is
U nrealistic and
D rastically
E ndangering to everyone and everything
G iving
R esults of
E xcellence
A chieving
T ough goals
N onchalantly with
E ver enthusiastic
S pirit and Sense.
S ynergizing all with spiritual strengths.
A chieve greatness by
T houghtfully executing
T ough tasks, by
I nspiring with your
T alents, by
U nleashing the
D ivine
E nergy within.
G iving
R esults of
E xcellence
A chieving
T ough goals
N onchalantly with
E ver enthusiastic
S pirit and Sense.
S ynergizing all with spiritual strengths.
A chieve greatness by
T houghtfully executing
T ough tasks, by
I nspiring with your
T alents, by
U nleashing the
D ivine
E nergy within.
G reatest and most
R espected and expected of
A ll virtues.
T he heart’s memory
I nspiring and reciprocating
T hankfully by touching and
U rging the
D eeply felt
E motions to manifest their thankfulness.
A lways
T he habit of
T hanksgiving is to be
I nculcated
T horoughly as an
U nqualified
D uty to be
E xecuted.
G reatest and most
R espected and expected of
A ll virtues.
T he heart’s memory
I nspiring and reciprocating
T hankfully by touching and
U rging the
D eeply felt
E motions to manifest their thankfulness.
A lways
T he habit of
T hanksgiving is to be
I nculcated
T horoughly as an
U nqualified
D uty to be
E xecuted.
G ood arts, sciences, games and things
R equire rules based
A pproach for all
M eaningful
M astery of
A ll the nuances and
R esources in that subject.
A ppropriate
T reatment of
T hose
I ntriguing
T erritories of all fields of study
U sually and
D efinitely requires
E veryone to follow and operate on certain set rules
G ood arts, sciences, games and things
R equire rules based
A pproach for all
M eaningful
M astery of
A ll the nuances and
R esources in that subject.
A ppropriate
T reatment of
T hose
I ntriguing
T erritories of all fields of study
U sually and
D efinitely requires
E veryone to follow and operate on certain set rules
G odly
R esource
A lways
C atering to
E veryone everywhere
A ll good and great
T hings
T urn out in great spirit only when they are
I n
T une with the
U niversal
D ivine
E nergy
G odly
R esource
A lways
C atering to
E veryone everywhere
A ll good and great
T hings
T urn out in great spirit only when they are
I n
T une with the
U niversal
D ivine
E nergy
G iving and taking
O ffering and oppressing
V irtually and vitally
E veryone and everything and
R uling and
N eatly ensuring
M eaningfully that
E veryone’s
N eeds are
T aken acre of.
A ll
T ypes of
T reatments based on
I nstitutionalized
T heories of governance
U sually
D o not work but only
E xercise of power either vested or wrested.
G iving and taking
O ffering and oppressing
V irtually and vitally
E veryone and everything and
R uling and
N eatly ensuring
M eaningfully that
E veryone’s
N eeds are
T aken acre of.
A ll
T ypes of
T reatments based on
I nstitutionalized
T heories of governance
U sually
D o not work but only
E xercise of power either vested or wrested.
G rossly
O bviously
S enseless but
S avory
I nterlocution usually about the
P erson who is absent.
A trocious
T ongues
T alk about others
I ncessantly and
T houghtlessly and
U sually
D erogatorily merely as an
E xercise of the tongue.
G rossly
O bviously
S enseless but
S avory
I nterlocution usually about the
P erson who is absent.
A trocious
T ongues
T alk about others
I ncessantly and
T houghtlessly and
U sually
D erogatorily merely as an
E xercise of the tongue.
G od
O ffers,
O perates and
D oes everything mostly through
N ice
E mpathetic and
S ensible
S ouls.
A djusting
T olerating and
T aking things as they happen,
I nteracting
T hrough both the heart and mind
U sually
D evelops synergetic
E nergies.
G od
O ffers,
O perates and
D oes everything mostly through
N ice
E mpathetic and
S ensible
S ouls.
A djusting
T olerating and
T aking things as they happen,
I nteracting
T hrough both the heart and mind
U sually
D evelops synergetic
E nergies.
G littering and yellow,
O f all the metals most
L oved for its monetary value and
D early used in decorations.
A ll
T he metals have
T heir own
I mportance but
T he glittering yellow metal has a
U nique value
D earer than
E very other metal.
G littering and yellow,
O f all the metals most
L oved for its monetary value and
D early used in decorations.
A ll
T he metals have
T heir own
I mportance but
T he glittering yellow metal has a
U nique value
D earer than
E very other metal.
G earing up
O f all energies towards a specific
A im along with proper plan either
L ong term or
S hort term.
A t first set
T he target
T hen plan and prepare
I n detail,
T hen proceed
U ntil the
D estined target is
E xecuted well, as planned.
G earing up
O f all energies towards a specific
A im along with proper plan either
L ong term or
S hort term.
A t first set
T he target
T hen plan and prepare
I n detail,
T hen proceed
U ntil the
D estined target is
E xecuted well, as planned.
G ustatory
L ove with
U nlimited
T emptation
T urning
O ne to eat
N onstop all
Y ummy foods.
A ny food however
T asty,
T empting and
I rresistible,
T ake it in moderate quantities.
U nnecessarily
D o not
E at yourself into disease or discomfort.
G ustatory
L ove with
U nlimited
T emptation
T urning
O ne to eat
N onstop all
Y ummy foods.
A ny food however
T asty,
T empting and
I rresistible,
T ake it in moderate quantities.
U nnecessarily
D o not
E at yourself into disease or discomfort.
G etting
L aurels and
O thers’
R espect reveals
Y our greatness and goodness.
A dminister accolades,
T he motivating
T alk and
I nspiration and then see how
T hey turn even
U seless
D unces to
E merge with enhanced performances.
G etting
L aurels and
O thers’
R espect reveals
Y our greatness and goodness.
A dminister accolades,
T he motivating
T alk and
I nspiration and then see how
T hey turn even
U seless
D unces to
E merge with enhanced performances.
G orgeously
L avishly
A dorned attire and
M agnificent
O rnamentation
U sually
R endered for attraction.
A ttraction
T ackles well than
T alent many
I mportant issues and
T acitly manages to get
U nasked for the
D esired
E ffect, so, get glamorous there is nothing wrong in it.
G orgeously
L avishly
A dorned attire and
M agnificent
O rnamentation
U sually
R endered for attraction.
A ttraction
T ackles well than
T alent many
I mportant issues and
T acitly manages to get
U nasked for the
D esired
E ffect, so, get glamorous there is nothing wrong in it.
G iving
G iving
G aining
I s in fact a
V icious circle
I nvolving
N othing but
G iving
A lways
T ry
T o give generously.
I n fact in
T imes of your need
U nexpected
D ividends will
E merge automatically
G aining
I s in fact a
V icious circle
I nvolving
N othing but
G iving
A lways
T ry
T o give generously.
I n fact in
T imes of your need
U nexpected
D ividends will
E merge automatically
G od’s
I nstrument to
R eveal
L ove and
S oftness
A ll human beings have to
T hank god for
T hose lovely
I mportant teachers of
T ogetherness through feminine splendor, the
U nforgettable manifestations of girls,
D efining and deepening our lives
E ither as mother, sister, wife or daughter.
G od’s
I nstrument to
R eveal
L ove and
S oftness
A ll human beings have to
T hank god for
T hose lovely
I mportant teachers of
T ogetherness through feminine splendor, the
U nforgettable manifestations of girls,
D efining and deepening our lives
E ither as mother, sister, wife or daughter.
G oods
I mbued with
F riendly
T houghts and
S pirits
A ny
T hought or
T rue
I nner feeling for another person must be
T houghtfully communicated
U sually with some
D efinite
E xpression that is also appealing to the other.
G oods
I mbued with
F riendly
T houghts and
S pirits
A ny
T hought or
T rue
I nner feeling for another person must be
T houghtfully communicated
U sually with some
D efinite
E xpression that is also appealing to the other.
G od given gift
E merging
N aturally with
I ntensity,
U nderstanding perfectly and
S ynergizing well with supreme energy.
A lways
T ry to
T ake out the
I nner talents, for,
T here lurks your genius, the
U nlimited
D ivine
E nergies
G od given gift
E merging
N aturally with
I ntensity,
U nderstanding perfectly and
S ynergizing well with supreme energy.
A lways
T ry to
T ake out the
I nner talents, for,
T here lurks your genius, the
U nlimited
D ivine
E nergies
G enerally
E very trait both
N egative and positive
E volves
T hrough
I nheritance as per laws of
C reation
S cientifically
A ll
T raits and characteristics are
T aken from ancestors
I nitially
T hen afterwards in addition we must also
U nderstand and learn further and
D evelop and gain
E nlightenment through experience and education.
G enerally
E very trait both
N egative and positive
E volves
T hrough
I nheritance as per laws of
C reation
S cientifically
A ll
T raits and characteristics are
T aken from ancestors
I nitially
T hen afterwards in addition we must also
U nderstand and learn further and
D evelop and gain
E nlightenment through experience and education.
Generosity is
G iving without
E xpectation;
N oticing others’ needs and doing
E verything possible to fulfill them;
R esorting to
O ffer help unasked for;
S erving and doing service without being
I nsisted upon to do so;
T reating others as
Y ou would wish them to treat you.
A lways
T ry to share liberally all
T hat you have with every
I ndividual
T ruth is manifest in everything and everyone is
U ltimately the product of one
D ivine
E nergy in multiple manifestations.
G iving without
E xpectation;
N oticing others’ needs and doing
E verything possible to fulfill them;
R esorting to
O ffer help unasked for;
S erving and doing service without being
I nsisted upon to do so;
T reating others as
Y ou would wish them to treat you.
A lways
T ry to share liberally all
T hat you have with every
I ndividual
T ruth is manifest in everything and everyone is
U ltimately the product of one
D ivine
E nergy in multiple manifestations.
G athered sentiments,
E nlightenments and
N ice
E xperiences,
R ecorded
A nd allotted a
T ime frame
I ndicating specific traits and
O verall behavior patterns
N otionally understood as a
S eparate unit.
A ge,
T he time based measurement of life
T races and takes us to certain
I mprints of periodic
T raits and characteristics
U nique to a whole socio cultural milieu
D istinguishing and differentiating it from
E arlier periods and the ensuing ones.
G athered sentiments,
E nlightenments and
N ice
E xperiences,
R ecorded
A nd allotted a
T ime frame
I ndicating specific traits and
O verall behavior patterns
N otionally understood as a
S eparate unit.
A ge,
T he time based measurement of life
T races and takes us to certain
I mprints of periodic
T raits and characteristics
U nique to a whole socio cultural milieu
D istinguishing and differentiating it from
E arlier periods and the ensuing ones.
G enuine classifications and variations
E xist due to exigencies of
N ature, but nurturing
D ifferences to
E nhance or exclude any category
R equires to be stopped.
A ll differences and variations
T ruly and obviously exist in nature.
T rying to deny or defy them is
I ndifference or ignorance or innocence. But,
T urning them into tools of social discrimination is
U njustifiable and an unpardonable offence.
D o not abuse or misuse naturally
E xisting developments and differences.
G enuine classifications and variations
E xist due to exigencies of
N ature, but nurturing
D ifferences to
E nhance or exclude any category
R equires to be stopped.
A ll differences and variations
T ruly and obviously exist in nature.
T rying to deny or defy them is
I ndifference or ignorance or innocence. But,
T urning them into tools of social discrimination is
U njustifiable and an unpardonable offence.
D o not abuse or misuse naturally
E xisting developments and differences.
G od given
A dmirable
R esource
D ecorating
E arth with its
N ice variety of organisms.
A garden
T horoughly developed with
T otal
I nterest and involvement is a
T antalizing and an
U ndoubtedly
D elightful
E xperience.
G od given
A dmirable
R esource
D ecorating
E arth with its
N ice variety of organisms.
A garden
T horoughly developed with
T otal
I nterest and involvement is a
T antalizing and an
U ndoubtedly
D elightful
E xperience.
G reat amusement with rules
A imed as
M eaningful physical
E xercise as well as mental
S atisfaction.
A ll
T ypes of amusements
T hrough games
I nvoluntarily
T ickles some
U ndisclosed
D eep rooted
E motion in all of us.
G reat amusement with rules
A imed as
M eaningful physical
E xercise as well as mental
S atisfaction.
A ll
T ypes of amusements
T hrough games
I nvoluntarily
T ickles some
U ndisclosed
D eep rooted
E motion in all of us.
G ame so universally
A ppealing and appetizing that
M oney is spent,
B etting is done unmindful of whether
L osing or winning
I t is such an irresistible pleasure
N othing can stop it, we only
G o for more of it.
A ny particular
T hing
T hat gives
I rresistible pleasure
T o everyone
U niversally cannot be
D efinitely
E vil, but has some significant role in the scheme of things
G ame so universally
A ppealing and appetizing that
M oney is spent,
B etting is done unmindful of whether
L osing or winning
I t is such an irresistible pleasure
N othing can stop it, we only
G o for more of it.
A ny particular
T hing
T hat gives
I rresistible pleasure
T o everyone
U niversally cannot be
D efinitely
E vil, but has some significant role in the scheme of things
F ar away, whatever be your plans, in
U nexplored and yet to be experienced
T imes, whatever be the predictions,
U nknown and unspecified
R ests
E verything in suspense.
A ll
T imes are
T o be cherished properly
I n terms of their importance and in
T rue perspective from the
U nknown and un experienced past to
D efinite present to
E xpected future.
F ar away, whatever be your plans, in
U nexplored and yet to be experienced
T imes, whatever be the predictions,
U nknown and unspecified
R ests
E verything in suspense.
A ll
T imes are
T o be cherished properly
I n terms of their importance and in
T rue perspective from the
U nknown and un experienced past to
D efinite present to
E xpected future.
F ailure in something
R esulting in and manifesting
U npleasant
S ymptoms,
T iring and
R etarding
A ll
T he
I nevitable
O perations that
N eed to be carried on.
A ny amount of frustration or
T hrowing
T antrums cannot replace
I ntrospection
T o better
U nderstand any adverse
D evelopment and
E volve remedial measures.
F ailure in something
R esulting in and manifesting
U npleasant
S ymptoms,
T iring and
R etarding
A ll
T he
I nevitable
O perations that
N eed to be carried on.
A ny amount of frustration or
T hrowing
T antrums cannot replace
I ntrospection
T o better
U nderstand any adverse
D evelopment and
E volve remedial measures.
F uture based
R eserving is a
U seful and
G ainful
A sset creation but
L ikely to be
I rritating
T o others though good to
Y ou
A sset creation
T hrough
T hrift
I s a time tested
T ool
U seful to be
D eveloped by
E veryone.
F uture based
R eserving is a
U seful and
G ainful
A sset creation but
L ikely to be
I rritating
T o others though good to
Y ou
A sset creation
T hrough
T hrift
I s a time tested
T ool
U seful to be
D eveloped by
E veryone.
F aithful worthy firm
R elationship reciprocating,
I nteracting and
E ntangling
N icely and
D early,
S howing and seeking
H elp, and providing a co-participant
I n the internship of
P rovidence
A ctively acquaint but truly
T ake only certain relationships and
T urn them into life long friendship
I nspiring and indispensable
T o you
U ntil
D eath decides to
E xtricate.
F aithful worthy firm
R elationship reciprocating,
I nteracting and
E ntangling
N icely and
D early,
S howing and seeking
H elp, and providing a co-participant
I n the internship of
P rovidence
A ctively acquaint but truly
T ake only certain relationships and
T urn them into life long friendship
I nspiring and indispensable
T o you
U ntil
D eath decides to
E xtricate.
F racturing and
R endering
A wkward and
U seless any
D eed
A void
T hose
T ricksters
I nsidiously
T urning things for selfish
U se and self centered
D evelopment,
E ject them from every place.
F racturing and
R endering
A wkward and
U seless any
D eed
A void
T hose
T ricksters
I nsidiously
T urning things for selfish
U se and self centered
D evelopment,
E ject them from every place.
F avors
O ffered from
R emote
T urn out to be
U seful or
N ot depending on
E xact usage.
A ll of a sudden
T here
T urns out at times
I ncredible
T hings or happenings or favors
U ndoubtedly, manifestations of
D ivine
E nterprise, so use them properly.
F avors
O ffered from
R emote
T urn out to be
U seful or
N ot depending on
E xact usage.
A ll of a sudden
T here
T urns out at times
I ncredible
T hings or happenings or favors
U ndoubtedly, manifestations of
D ivine
E nterprise, so use them properly.
F eel for all and first
O f all let us
R ealize that revenge
G ains nothing.
I nstead let us use
V ital
E motional
N icety to
E licit
S ensible and
S ober attitude.
A llow
T he thread of
T houghtful
I f not, at least
T earful feelings to
U nleash unifying,
D eep and dear
E motional exchanges
F eel for all and first
O f all let us
R ealize that revenge
G ains nothing.
I nstead let us use
V ital
E motional
N icety to
E licit
S ensible and
S ober attitude.
A llow
T he thread of
T houghtful
I f not, at least
T earful feelings to
U nleash unifying,
D eep and dear
E motional exchanges
F ettering
O f anything or
R estraining
B egets more
I nterest than is
D ue or
D eemed fit
I n
N atural course or
G iven situations.
A ll forbidden
T hings
T urn out
I n
T heir own way to
U nfold through
D ifferent means
E ventually
F ettering
O f anything or
R estraining
B egets more
I nterest than is
D ue or
D eemed fit
I n
N atural course or
G iven situations.
A ll forbidden
T hings
T urn out
I n
T heir own way to
U nfold through
D ifferent means
E ventually
F utile
O perators
O ften
L eave their
S enses
A ccommodating senseless
T alks
T olerating
I diotic
T heories are all
U navoidable
D esigns in the
E volutionary process.
F utile
O perators
O ften
L eave their
S enses
A ccommodating senseless
T alks
T olerating
I diotic
T heories are all
U navoidable
D esigns in the
E volutionary process.
F inest
O f all the
O ffering from
D ivinity to our body.
F irst
O f all
Our common
D enominator.
A ll
T hings in
T hese worlds are
I mportant in
T heir own way but
U niversally
D efinitely food is the most important of all for
E veryone.
F inest
O f all the
O ffering from
D ivinity to our body.
F irst
O f all
Our common
D enominator.
A ll
T hings in
T hese worlds are
I mportant in
T heir own way but
U niversally
D efinitely food is the most important of all for
E veryone.
F ellow
O perators in
L ife
L eading to
O bserve and absorb
E nlightenment,
R eason and
S ense.
A ll
T rue leadership
T akes along the followers and not merely talks;
I nspires and not merely instructs;
T rusts and not merely thrusts
U nderstands and not merely uses;
D evelops and not merely drags,
E nlightens everyone and not merely the selected few.
F ellow
O perators in
L ife
L eading to
O bserve and absorb
E nlightenment,
R eason and
S ense.
A ll
T rue leadership
T akes along the followers and not merely talks;
I nspires and not merely instructs;
T rusts and not merely thrusts
U nderstands and not merely uses;
D evelops and not merely drags,
E nlightens everyone and not merely the selected few.
F irst
O f all
C oncentrate, then,
U ltimately and automatically
S uccess will ensue
A im at a target, then,
T arget your aim, then
T ake
I nwardly
T o chew and churn
U ntil the
D esired output
E merges or evolves
F irst
O f all
C oncentrate, then,
U ltimately and automatically
S uccess will ensue
A im at a target, then,
T arget your aim, then
T ake
I nwardly
T o chew and churn
U ntil the
D esired output
E merges or evolves
F antastic
L ovely
O bject
W onderfully
E xuding beauty, color and fragrance to
R eveal the
S oul of the creator in nature.
A mong the many attractions in nature only a
T iny part is
T hrust with multiple aspects of attraction
I n order
T o
U niversally
D elight
E veryone
F antastic
L ovely
O bject
W onderfully
E xuding beauty, color and fragrance to
R eveal the
S oul of the creator in nature.
A mong the many attractions in nature only a
T iny part is
T hrust with multiple aspects of attraction
I n order
T o
U niversally
D elight
E veryone
F ixing and
L eading or misleading
A bly with sweet
T alk is a
T actics
E ffectively employed
R epeatedly and
Y et everyone yield to it.
A void the
T emptation of being
T aken
I nto
T erritories of
U nsolicited
D isproportionate
E ulogy
F ixing and
L eading or misleading
A bly with sweet
T alk is a
T actics
E ffectively employed
R epeatedly and
Y et everyone yield to it.
A void the
T emptation of being
T aken
I nto
T erritories of
U nsolicited
D isproportionate
E ulogy
F oremost of all the
I mportant things in life.
N icely
A ffecting and
N onchalantly
C reeping as cash or credit
E verywhere.
A ll types of
T hings
T urn
I mportant in
T erms of the
U ltimate
D oe and
E xchange of finance.
F oremost of all the
I mportant things in life.
N icely
A ffecting and
N onchalantly
C reeping as cash or credit
E verywhere.
A ll types of
T hings
T urn
I mportant in
T erms of the
U ltimate
D oe and
E xchange of finance.
Fighting happens when you
F orget
I nnumerable options and
G et
H ighly
T ensed up
A ll worked up
T ensions and uncontrolled
T empers
I nvariably lead to
T errible,
U nreasonable and
D estructive
E nterprises.
F orget
I nnumerable options and
G et
H ighly
T ensed up
A ll worked up
T ensions and uncontrolled
T empers
I nvariably lead to
T errible,
U nreasonable and
D estructive
E nterprises.
F aith enhancing character
I mportantly
D evelops
E motional
L ink that is very
I mportant
T o
Y oke life with the rest.
A dherence
T o time tested
T rue values
I nspires
T olerance and
U nderstanding and
D evelops deep rooted
E motional bonds
F aith enhancing character
I mportantly
D evelops
E motional
L ink that is very
I mportant
T o
Y oke life with the rest.
A dherence
T o time tested
T rue values
I nspires
T olerance and
U nderstanding and
D evelops deep rooted
E motional bonds
F ine
I maginations
C ommunicated
T hrough
I nteresting
O mni attractive
N arrations
A t times
T ruth
T aught through
I magination
T empers our
U nderstanding better than
D idactic expressions and
E mpirical data.
F ine
I maginations
C ommunicated
T hrough
I nteresting
O mni attractive
N arrations
A t times
T ruth
T aught through
I magination
T empers our
U nderstanding better than
D idactic expressions and
E mpirical data.
F antastic
E motional
E nterprise
L inking
I ndividuals and our inner self
N icely and
G iving proper
S hape to everything.
A llow all actions
T houghts and talks
T o be tempered with
I nner feelings
T hen
U nderstanding
D evelops into an
E verlasting emotional odessy.
F antastic
E motional
E nterprise
L inking
I ndividuals and our inner self
N icely and
G iving proper
S hape to everything.
A llow all actions
T houghts and talks
T o be tempered with
I nner feelings
T hen
U nderstanding
D evelops into an
E verlasting emotional odessy.
F oolish
E motion
A ffecting all
R esourcefulness
A lways attempt
T o throw away
T imidity and instead
I nvite inner strength to
T ear away those
U seless
D elimiting
E motions.
F oolish
E motion
A ffecting all
R esourcefulness
A lways attempt
T o throw away
T imidity and instead
I nvite inner strength to
T ear away those
U seless
D elimiting
E motions.
F ortune’s
A bundance
V irtually
O ffering its bounty
R epeatedly to
S ome and never to the rest.
A ttempt
T ry and
T oil
I ncessantly.
T hen,
U ndoubtedly
D ame luck will
E merge.
F ortune’s
A bundance
V irtually
O ffering its bounty
R epeatedly to
S ome and never to the rest.
A ttempt
T ry and
T oil
I ncessantly.
T hen,
U ndoubtedly
D ame luck will
E merge.
F acts about mistakes when
A cknowledged aid our
U nderstanding and when
L eft unnoticed or concealed
T orment us with greater follies.
A cknowledge all
T he faults
T hey are nature’s
I nstruction manual
T eaching to
U nderstand better and
D evelop and enhance
E xperience into wise learning.
F acts about mistakes when
A cknowledged aid our
U nderstanding and when
L eft unnoticed or concealed
T orment us with greater follies.
A cknowledge all
T he faults
T hey are nature’s
I nstruction manual
T eaching to
U nderstand better and
D evelop and enhance
E xperience into wise learning.
F ortunately for our
A natomy
T iredness
I s the indication
G iving green signal to
U nwind, relax and
E nergize the body battery.
A void
T oo much of
T iredness, for, that
I nvites health
T roubles and
U psets even
D ay to day
E nterprises
F ortunately for our
A natomy
T iredness
I s the indication
G iving green signal to
U nwind, relax and
E nergize the body battery.
A void
T oo much of
T iredness, for, that
I nvites health
T roubles and
U psets even
D ay to day
E nterprises
F actually
A lmighty
T reats
E veryone as per his plan.
A t least learn to accept
T he gifts bestowed
T o you by god
I nvisibly or visibly.
T ake everything as it happens
U nderstand that however much you
D efy, deny or dodge
E verything happens as it should.
F actually
A lmighty
T reats
E veryone as per his plan.
A t least learn to accept
T he gifts bestowed
T o you by god
I nvisibly or visibly.
T ake everything as it happens
U nderstand that however much you
D efy, deny or dodge
E verything happens as it should.
F irst
A rtist to
R eveal the
M agnanimity of
E arth and
R eveal its hidden potential
A ny
T erritory
T hat
I ncludes
T he true
U niversal
D evelopers called farmers
E mancipates
F irst
A rtist to
R eveal the
M agnanimity of
E arth and
R eveal its hidden potential
A ny
T erritory
T hat
I ncludes
T he true
U niversal
D evelopers called farmers
E mancipates
F inest of
A ll
N ice
T empting
A lternatives to
S erious reality
Y ou can ever have
A llow to
T antalizing and
T empting
I maginations
T o take you into
U nknown and unrevealed to
D elve deep into and
E njoy the fancies.
F inest of
A ll
N ice
T empting
A lternatives to
S erious reality
Y ou can ever have
A llow to
T antalizing and
T empting
I maginations
T o take you into
U nknown and unrevealed to
D elve deep into and
E njoy the fancies.
F undamentally
A damant,
N onchalant and
A ggressive
T ouch
I njected
C leverly
I nto
S enseless
M agnitude.
A nything
T ame or
T errific
I n principle
T akes place only in
U nbridled
D rive of
E nthusiasm
F undamentally
A damant,
N onchalant and
A ggressive
T ouch
I njected
C leverly
I nto
S enseless
M agnitude.
A nything
T ame or
T errific
I n principle
T akes place only in
U nbridled
D rive of
E nthusiasm
F orging ahead,
A cting aggressively,
N ever minding about the
A fter effects and
T aking
I nsulated and
C rooked views for justifying actions
A ttempt
T o
T each every fanatic the
I mportance of
T olerating and
U niting as the only
D ivinely
E xpected virtue for human life.
F irst
A nd the
M ost
I mportant
L ove
Y ou experience.
F or
A ll
M y
I ntrinsic
L ove and immediate needs
Y ou are all always there near me.
F ather
A nd
M other
L ove
Y ou
A lways
T ry to take
T he family ties to
I nspire and
T ruly
U nleash
D ear
E motions for emancipation.
F irst
A nd the
M ost
I mportant
L ove
Y ou experience.
F or
A ll
M y
I ntrinsic
L ove and immediate needs
Y ou are all always there near me.
F ather
A nd
M other
L ove
Y ou
A lways
T ry to take
T he family ties to
I nspire and
T ruly
U nleash
D ear
E motions for emancipation.
F actory of
A ll
M eaningful and
I mportant
L ove,
I nvolvement and
E motional
S uccor
A ll
T raining of
T rue
I mportance for life
T akes place in the
U npublicized and uncorporatized
D ear domestic
E nterprises called families
F actory of
A ll
M eaningful and
I mportant
L ove,
I nvolvement and
E motional
S uccor
A ll
T raining of
T rue
I mportance for life
T akes place in the
U npublicized and uncorporatized
D ear domestic
E nterprises called families
F ond
A cquaintances
M eanders
I nto
L ovely
I nevitable
A ffectionate
R eal
I mportant
T ies that
Y ou cannot avoid.
A t first a
T iny
T entative
I nvolvement
T urns you in and you get
U sed to
D ealing with it without
E scape routes.
A ttempt but do not avoid
T o
T ake
I nterest in
T he
U sual
D aily
E vents
F ond
A cquaintances
M eanders
I nto
L ovely
I nevitable
A ffectionate
R eal
I mportant
T ies that
Y ou cannot avoid.
A t first a
T iny
T entative
I nvolvement
T urns you in and you get
U sed to
D ealing with it without
E scape routes.
A ttempt but do not avoid
T o
T ake
I nterest in
T he
U sual
D aily
E vents
F ocus of
A ttraction, adulation and
M ad
E ulogizing
F antastic
A nd
M agnificent to be liked by
E veryone
A ll
T he
T ruly
I mportant
T hings
U ndoubtedly
D eserve
E veryone’s attention and adulation.
F ocus of
A ttraction, adulation and
M ad
E ulogizing
F antastic
A nd
M agnificent to be liked by
E veryone
A ll
T he
T ruly
I mportant
T hings
U ndoubtedly
D eserve
E veryone’s attention and adulation.
F ailings
A re meant to make us
L earn and not
L eave
I n mid way.
B est
I nstruction in
L earning
I s
T o take
Y our confidence always with you
A lways
T ry
T o
I ntensely follow
T he
U seful instructions of
D efects and deviations to
E volve into a better person
F ailings
A re meant to make us
L earn and not
L eave
I n mid way.
B est
I nstruction in
L earning
I s
T o take
Y our confidence always with you
A lways
T ry
T o
I ntensely follow
T he
U seful instructions of
D efects and deviations to
E volve into a better person
F ulcrum of
A ll
I mportant
T asks and
H idden strength of all victories.
A ny
T ough
T ask
I nvariably
T akes off well with
U nquestionable faith
D ue and diligent
E xecution
F ulcrum of
A ll
I mportant
T asks and
H idden strength of all victories.
A ny
T ough
T ask
I nvariably
T akes off well with
U nquestionable faith
D ue and diligent
E xecution
F irst of
A ll the
I mportant
L aws of the
U niverse is to
R emain
Equipoise and raise energetic
F ear not
A ny
I mpediment.
L ingers
U nderneath are
R esources to
E merge victorious.
A ny
T rue
T ask
I nvolves
T rials and
U nsettling
D evelopments to test the
E ternal resolve to perform well.
F irst of
A ll the
I mportant
L aws of the
U niverse is to
R emain
Equipoise and raise energetic
F ear not
A ny
I mpediment.
L ingers
U nderneath are
R esources to
E merge victorious.
A ny
T rue
T ask
I nvolves
T rials and
U nsettling
D evelopments to test the
E ternal resolve to perform well.
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