Sunday, March 29, 2009



A nything
D eservingly
M eaningful
I nteresting with
R eal
A esthetic
T ouch
I nevitably
O ffers
N iceties

A dmiration
D esires
M ean
I nward
R elationship with the
E xternal

A ll
D esires
M eander
I nvariably to
R eal
A dmiration
T o
I nvite
O ther
N iceties

A t
T imes
T antalizing
I ndividuals
T hings
U rge us to
D esire for and
E ulogize

Winding up fault finding with admiration binding will elevate, enrich and expand the spirit of everyone and bind everyone. Admire each scene and every person as they are without clouding them with your opinion, preconceived ideas and conditioned perceptions.
Notice in yourself and others every tiny wonderful aspect of life and admire, admire and admire

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