Monday, March 30, 2009



R easonless
G affe and
U pstaging of
M eaningful
E ngagement of
N ice
T alk

A ttempts
R easons
G eared towards
U nderstanding
M utually
E ngaging in
N etting in
T ie-ups

Arguments are

A t
T ime
T houghtless
I rregular
T alk
U ltimately
D elivering
E mptiness

A t
T imes
T houghtful
I nstigating
T alk to
U nderstand
D eal with
E ntanglement.

It is best to

A void or
T o
T urn away from
I ncisive
T ongues
U nscathed in
D iplomatic
E vasion

Every argument is like a coin. it has two sides but the problem is one side cannot and does not see the other.

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