Thursday, April 2, 2009



Y our
E numerated
A ge does not
R eally matter

Y our
E xistence is
A ccording to the levels you
R each
S uccessfully

Every year take resolution to

Y earn for greater things
E nlighten your spirits
A ccommodate more people and perceptions
R eceive reality with open heart.

Year after year increase

Y outhful
E nthusiasm and
A ged
R easoning.

Life is not a calendared event. Do not bother about years tickling by and your age. Remember that

A lways
T ime
T ickles
I rrespective of
T he
U nfinished jobs and
D elayed
E ndeavours.

A ny
T erminology of
T ime is
I rrelevant
T o
U ltimate
D ivine
E volutions of which you are one.

1 comment:

Surya said...

great work uncle. I am awestruck!

i shall keep viewing this blog